Do They Have Critical Thinking Skills?

"Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of a different perspective. Because if not, there's absolutely no point." Helen Mirren

COVID has divided us like few other topics have. It is clear that some people are lacking in their ability to look at all the data, analyze it, and come to a clear understanding of the unbiased reality. They can’t get beyond their own feelings and how it is affecting them personally to look at the bigger picture. They are lacking in the ability to think critically.

Critical thinking asks us to look at all available data, both for and against a topic of concern. It requires having an open mind and analyzing both the data and the source of the data. Having weighed it all, you reach an unbiased conclusion. We were all taught this in school, it’s called the scientific method. We were taught to come up with a hypothesis, then tests to measure this hypothesis. It seems, though, that some of us forget this and rely too strongly on our emotions or opinions as fact.

Young children lack critical thinking skills. They know only what they want in the moment. They want a certain toy and grabbing it away from a sibling or friend seems reasonable in filling a want that they have. It is through the guidance of parents, caregivers, and teachers that this child comes to grasp that there is a world beyond their own wants, needs, and opinions.

Some people don’t seem to realize that no matter what your belief, you are likely to find evidence that proves this point. Just look at any criminal trial, there are ‘experts’ on both sides to testify as to the truth of both sides of the same issue. How can the accused be both sane and insane?

How will this affect a relationship? We rely on our partner to make well-reasoned decisions. We don’t want a partner that can’t evaluate critically all these scamming emails and phone calls we receive and end up selling your home for magic beans. We don’t want a partner who puts us in danger. We don’t need a life filled with missed opportunities. We need a partner, especially if we want to have children, that has not just common sense, but an ability to look at a situation, assess it, and come up with a well thought out and reasoned reaction. If there is flood warning, perhaps a good approach is look at the news to see if it will affect your area, and if so, to pack up the valuables and necessities and call Grandma to see if you can come visit. Waiting until the flood waters are pouring in the basement windows may be too late.

What are some traits of people that lack critical thinking?

They are lacking in impulse control.

They repeat the same mistakes.

They make assumptions.

They lack self reflection.

They take their own opinion as fact.

They jump to conclusions.

There is an over reliance on emotions.

They go along with the crowd.

They are unaware of their biases.

They don’t look at the source of information or fact check.

They fail to look at the big picture of a situation.

They lack the ability to see things from another’s perspective.

They are lacking the ability to accept they may be wrong.

There is no ability to predict the consequences of an action.

There is a lack of problem solving skills.

They act based on wishful thinking.

There is objectivity when making a decision.

When we find ourselves in a relationship with someone that lacks the ability to move through life with a critical eye, we wind up in one of two outcomes. Either, we are blind to our partners lack of critical skills and, as a result, we are forever behind the eight ball. We are often short on money for our bills. We buy cars we can’t afford. We miss out on the daycare slot because we didn’t heed advice to get on the waiting list. The other way this can go is if we, eventually, see the lack and take charge. Life then becomes similar to a parent/child relationship. Rather than feeling we are an equal partnership, we become a babysitter. Making them turn over their pay cheque. Monitoring where they go and what sites they visit on the internet. Are either of these how you want to live out your days?

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